a soft and fluffy take on the digital world

Five apps to keep you sane during Lizard Squad hacks

By 23:31 , , , , , , , , ,

I get it; it's not that you're addicted to technology, but you would really rather not be without it. It's ok, I'm in denial too (we all are). Luckily, the Lizard Squad hacks shut down Facebook and Instagram for just an hour, and any subsequent attacks aren't likely to be for too long 

However, If the thought of being without Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat for any portion of time strikes you with fear - they are your 'go-to' apps after all - then you'd better have something ready to fill the space they'll leave in your life, right? 

Instead of spending time communicating with others, why not do something for you? There are some great apps out there that help you do just that. Spend some time with my top five and feel better for it.



I rave about Headspace at every opportunity. It's a mindfulness and meditation app. It comes with meditation packages (including emergency meditation for when you're really losing it), mindfulness videos and podcasts from its founder, Andy Puddicombe. Mindfulness was the buzzword of 2014, but is it just a phase? I don't think so. Itpotential benefits to the general public have even been discussed in parliament. With meditation podcasts starting at only five minutes long, there's no reason not to give it a go. Try it for a fortnight and like me, you'll be glad you did. 



I can't believe I only found this a week ago. It's a to-do list app - it sounds so simple, but trust me, it is brilliant. You can date, add notes, files and sub-lists into each task, and have as many lists as you want. Ok, so it all sounds really boring and sensible, but you'll feel much better for using it. As somebody who is used to carrying round various pieces of scrap paper with to-dos written on them, it is a relief to have it all in one place. 



So, apparently there are still people who don't know what TED is. If you are one of those people, that needs to change. Download TED. I'm not going to tell you about it, just download it. 



What is not to love about Duolingo? It's a free language app. It's smart, cute and only teaches you what you can handle. It doesn't let you level up to harder classes until you're comfortable, and you can always level back down. It teaches you pronunciation as well as spelling, so you'll fit right in with the locals. I always regretted not paying attention in French class. It's great to have the chance to try again, and I can learn whenever and wherever I want. 



I read a lot online, and my Favourites was filling up rapidly with articles I wanted to read again later. Saving them to Pocket makes things a lot easier - they're all in one place and they are much easier to find than in a exhaustive list of web addresses. You can attach a Pocket button to your browser (on your PC, tablet and phone) so you can quickly add an article to your pocket. Oh, and it automatically saves them for reading offline! 

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