a soft and fluffy take on the digital world

Why I'm excited for the release of the Oculus Rift

By 22:44 , ,

I'm not a gamer by any definition. I've got an Xbox, the Sims 3 collection and I had a GameBoy growing up (of course) but playing video games is usually something I do on a rainy day when I'm feeling a bit lazy. You would assume that I would have no interest in the Oculus Rift - but I see its potential stretching far beyond the gaming industry.

I had the pleasure of wearing the Oculus Rift last year, as part of a project I'm embarking on (shh, it's a secret!). I 'walked' around a stunning Spanish villa, and explored its gardens. I could hear the waves crashing and the log fire crackling. It was amazing, I just wanted to be there.

I wanted to be there.

Taking a look around a holiday villa before stumping up any cash would definitely put my mind at ease. You could even wander around the local area, and get a feel for the place. What an incredible way to sell a holiday! It made me think about all the different uses the Oculus Rift could have. How about being able to see an architects vision for your dream home in virtual reality? Or even just see what your new kitchen installation could look like? It sounds a bit mundane, but this could be a great sales tool to get customers excited.

It could even benefit non-profits - Heritage organisations are always looking for ways to bring history to life, especially with the younger generation. Exploring a Tudor castle for yourself is amazing - being told about one isn't.

These are just a few of my ideas, but I haven't so much as touched the surface. The Oculus Rift is an fantastic invention and it could change the gaming industry - but I think it is a piece of technology that is capable of so much more.

This article was written by me, and posted on Lightbox

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    Diana Cloudlet
